Horton Hears Who by Dr. Seuss是Dr. Seuss12部高清绘本动画视频,苏斯博士永恒经典的第5集视频,该合集共计12集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
绘本《Who Was Dr.Seuss?人物自传系列-苏斯博士》, 绘本内容 由企鹅丛书集团出版的《Who Was …?》系列丛书,邀请了各行各业专业人士,与图书编辑共同编撰而成。将枯燥乏味的名人传记变成风趣幽默的读本,让孩子读得津津有味不亦乐乎。该丛书精选了科学、艺术、文学等各领域的世界著名人物,其中不乏当今孩子熟知并感...
Dr.Seuss was not his real name.His real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel.Seuss was in fact his middle name.He started using Dr.Seuss as his pen name after he graduated(毕业)from college.He wrote many children's books under this pen name,including Green Eggs and Ham,How the Grinch Stole ...
内容简介:This slip-cased set of five classic books by Dr. Seuss features his most famous characters--the Cat, the Grinch, Yertle, Horton, and the Lorax! (To be precise, the set includes an oversized, unjacketed edition of The Cat in the Hat exclusively available in this collection; a ...
《苏斯博士系列 英文原版 Dr. Seuss — Horton Hears A Who 霍顿与无名氏 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》,作者:苏斯博士系列 英文原版 Dr. Seuss — Horton Hears A Who 霍顿与无名氏 英文版 进口英语原版书籍Dr. Seuss 著,出版社:HarperCollins,ISBN:9780007455942。
瑞雅进口 谁是苏斯博士?英文原版 Who Was Dr. Seuss? 知名作家系列 儿童科普人物传记 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Janet出版社:Penguin出版时间:2019年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥36.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。
所属专辑:Ryan read books 音频列表 1 《Who Was Dr. Seuss❓》P15~P23 17 2017-10 2 《Who Was Dr. Seuss❓》P1~P14 12 2017-10 3 《Who is Jane Goodall❓》P89~End 12 2017-10 4 《Who is Jane Goodall❓》P78~P88 11 2017-10 ...
Seuss-isms: Wise and Witty Prescriptions for Living from the Good Doctor The simple but sage words of Dr. Seuss have helped many a child (and grownup) along the complicated road of life. For those who need reminders, here is a collection of some of the good doctor's wisest and wittiest...
当当弘书阁旗舰店在线销售正版《【弘书阁】谁是苏斯博士 WHO WAS DR. SEUSS 英文原版送音频 世界名人传记 美国儿童文学家 教育家 英语读物 章节书 课外阅读 弘书阁原版进口》。最新《【弘书阁】谁是苏斯博士 WHO WAS DR. SEUSS 英文原版送音频 世界名人传记 美国儿童文学家
Who was Dr.Seuss 09 26 2024-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 8088 Who was by:听友28341257 14.4万 Who Was by:没有你的故事你是谁 3505 Who Was by:Kelly_LS 44万 Who Was by:Wendy的音频 6.5万 Who Was by:Jerry妈妈北京 2130 Who Was/Is by:咕哒小镇 ...