Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2 is an upcoming live-action/2D/3D computer traditional animated fantasy-romantic-musical-black slapstick comedy film and a sequel to the first 1988 film of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It will be produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios. in asso...
Spielberg also co-founded DreamWorks Studios in 1994, further solidifying his status as a titan in the industry. Despite his numerous successes, Spielberg remains committed to his craft, continually pushing the boundaries of cinematic storytelling. His enduring influence continues to shape the landscap...
She co-founded the production company Flower Films in 1995, which produced successful films like Charlie's Angels and 50 First Dates. As an author, she penned her autobiography Little Girl Lost at the age of 14, candidly chronicling her early struggles. Later, she authored another book ...
Initially, things seemed cool between Jay and Cam'ron when Jayfounded Roc-A-Fella Recordsin 1996 with Cam's childhood friends, Damon Dash and Kareem 'Biggs' Burke. But come 2000, Cam'ron was throwing shots at Jay on his second album,S.D.E(Sports Drugs & Entertainment).AsMTVpoints out,...
18.JENNIFER JUSTICE:The entertainment lawyer has worked on major deals for artists like Outkast, Beyoncé, and Jay Z (she represented the hip-hop mogul for 17 years and helped launch his company, Roc Nation). To combat the gender pay gap at male-dominated record labels, she made it her ...
but extends to activism and humanitarianism. Jones was an advocate for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his Operation Breadbasket, served on the board of People United to Save Humanity, founded the Quincy Jones Listen Up Foundation, supported the work of ...
Kevin Mazur // Getty Images for Roc Nation #7. Jay-Z - Net worth: $1.3 billion Rapper and record producer Jay-Z came to fame in the 1990s with his debut album "Reasonable Doubt," and he continues to make hits as evidenced by his 2018 album, "Everything is Love," a collaboration ...
Founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal and Craig Hatkoff in 2002 to revitalize a post-9/11 downtown, the Tribeca Film Festival has weathered the fest-in-search-of-an-identity tag to become an increasingly confident and robust city event with a wide array of industry and community activiti...
Big L became apopular figure in the New York hip-hop undergroundscene after his 1995 debut albumLifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous.In 1998, he founded his Flamboyant Entertainment record label and was on his way to becoming a star of his own afterRoc-A-Fella Recordsshowed interest in his...
Desiree Perez is one of the driving forces in hip-hop music as one of the founders and CEO ofRoc Nation. Perez has been one of Jay-Z's closest confidantes over the past two decades and has brokered big deals for Beyoncé and Rihanna. In 2019, Perez was named Billboard's Executive of...