Who was the leader of Great Britain during WW2? Who fought in the Battle of Megiddo in WWI? What did the Crimean War lead to for Napoleon? What caused Russia to exit World War I in 1917? What country left WW1 in 1917? Who was the Kaiser of Germany during WW1?
Who fought in the Anglo-Boer War? What caused the Boer War? What sparked the Boer War? What caused the Second Boer War? Who was the king of England during the Boer War? What countries fought in the Boer War? Who was the British prime minister during the Boer War?
Years passed in the jungle with these four soldiers continuing to perform their sworn duty of harrying the enemy at every opportunity and gather intelligence as best they could. At a certain point, when most everybody they saw was dressed in civilian...
Sometime on the evening of Monday the 26th, Dave had driven himself to the Emergency Department at the Casino and District Memorial Hospital in Casino, NSW, about a three-hour drive from home in Brisbane, presenting “very agitated and elevated.” According to the report, he was a veteran,...
France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. In the summer of 1941, Germany turned its attention to the East and invaded the Soviet Union. At this point the United States was neutral, but that would change following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in December of ...
The battle is The Lord’s. Victory is assured. But it must still be fought! Can you really say “I fought the good fight of faith,” without engaging the foe? How will you respond to the option of “Obey The Beast” or “be financially cut off?” Has the Jew infected you with ...
The first world war was the beginning of conflict that would spread to a global scale. The war that continued to drag alliances into it would quickly claim more lives then any conflict before it. Answer and Explanation: Russia was allied with Great Britain and France during World War I. Fra...
Between Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, I’d choose Lady Thatcher any day! The Iron Lady fought the most ferocious battles of Britain’s post-WW2 political history. She privatized state-owned industries, tamed leftist/neo-liberal unions, and exposed the silliness and ugliness of socialism. ...
China and the US were allies who fought side by side during WWII. In the 1970s, the two sides reopened the door toward establishing diplomatic ties on the basis of respecting the different systems of each other. That our dialogue and cooperation have come a long way is attributable to the...
Benedict Arnold fought for the British during the American Revolution. Even worse, he did it despite being American. Attempting to use his position as a general in the Continental Army to gain control of West Point then surrender it to the British, he was discovered, thwarted and his name ha...