Who fought in the Siege of Leningrad? Which war was fought by France and Britain against Russia? Who was involved in the Battle of Kharkov? Where was the Eastern Front of WWI? Who was president during WW2? What was the Crimean War known for?
What was the first battle of WW1? Who declared war first in the Sino-Japanese War? Which war was the first to involve the United Nations? Who fought on each side of the Franco-Dutch War? Who fought against Germany in WW2? Who fought in the Cristero War?
Piper Calls the Roll of Honour; Church Stores Memory of 100 Who Fought in WW1
Had circumstances been different and the war really had waged on so long; soldiers and people from both sides of the fight would have respected him for his courage and dedication. In that respect he was more of a hero. However, the world...
France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. In the summer of 1941, Germany turned its attention to the East and invaded the Soviet Union. At this point the United States was neutral, but that would change following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in December of 194...
Her father joined the RAF as a way out of this; when Carby was asked by her teacher at school what her father did and replied that he was an RAF airman who’d fought for Britain in WW2, her teacher replied that she must be lying because only white people fought in WW2. The ‘...
This is a battle between east and west, but it will not be fought against Iran – It will be fought against Israel, at the battle of Armageddon. This east-west battle is also the battle between Ziomasonry and Liberty. It is the battle beween falsehood and truth, and it takes place ...
Indeed the battle is being fought and won in the Divine Court even now. Why do you think the system of the world is falling down? Judgement has been given against that great harlot Babylon and she is being destroyed. “Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of ...
Not long ago, in both the UK and US Jews were often shunned and discriminated against. John Kerry and Madeleine Albright were well into adulthood before learning that he was 50%-Jewish and she was 100%. Kerry Sr had married into one of Boston’s top families, in...
Who fought the Axis Powers? Who gained the most territory in the Seven Years' War? What were the alliances in WW1? Who attacked first in the Hundred Years' War? Who won the Onin War? Who eventually won the Bank War? Who won the Winter War?