Who enforces the Civil Rights Act of 1968? Who was the first Hispanic Cabinet member? Who was the first governor of the Territory of Orleans? Who were the most important officials in Spanish America? In what year was the Department of Defense originally established?
When&How:GoverningInstitutions When&How:ProcessesofGoverning What:PublicPolicyOutcomes Question:Whatisgovernment? a.Dye(p5)saysitisan“organizationextendingto thewholesocietythatcanlegitimatelyuseforceto carryoutitsdecisions” B.Turetzkysaysgovernmentisan“institutionthat makesandenforcesthelaw.”Headdsthatit“has...
A judge refers to one qualified to deliver judgments according to the laws of the Torah. The officer then enforces these legal judgments, even by force if necessary. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah promised that there would come a day when judges would be restored as in the days of old: “I ...
Hair-Wynn will have to reapply for a passport using his original surname, in spite of the fact that both his driver’s license and social security information include the hyphenation. I understand the prohibitions on gay recognition that DOMA enforces, but in this case it seems the State Dep...
It should not commit aggression, which it does when it enforces others types of laws, such as IP law. “Do you favor protecting the rights of authors of novels? photographers? painters? companies that we now call trademark owners?” I explain this in detail in my Against Intellectual...
As far as I’m aware there’s no law that enforces this, it’s just in the T&C of the airlines. It’s to their advantage because it means that you can’t sell your ticket onto somebody else.reinkefj • August 20, 2007 11:40 AM Not that New Jersey would grow a set and stan...
May, Patton and the rest of the EUphiles seem to support the (clearly racist) EU good – everyone else bad immigration system that EU law enforces. Most sensible people just want the best people to come and the bad or liability ones not to come – regardless of race or origin. A ...
Indeed, in the years after officials in the Reagan administration radically altered how our government enforces our antimonopoly laws, the American economy underwent a truly revolutionary restructuring. Four great waves of mergers and acquisitions—in the mid-1980s, early ’90s, late ’90s, and be...
I’m reminded of the precision/accuracy distinction, where colloquial english uses them interchangeably, but scientific jargon enforces a clear distinction. Considering stylistic rules, the “split infinitive” construction possesses no syntactic ambiguity but was considered incorrect for a long time simply...