which is ultimately worse for our wallets.Plus,that spending pattern can do a greater damage to the environment.Thanks in part to fast fashion,people buy 60 percent more clothing today than they did 15 years ago.The fashion industry alone emits more greenhouse gases than inte...
The reason this option is not the most climate-friendly is becauseorganic fertilizersalso emit greenhouse emissionsandcontaminate water supplies. Then there is the factorganic farms need more land, which in turnemits more carbon. A 2020 studyconducted by researchersat Maximilian Pieper of th...
However, the tourism industry also impacts local and global environments as an important contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs; Lenzen et al. (2018)). The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) estimated that tourism accounted for 22% of global transport CO2 emissions and projected an ...
At the same time the White House is hectoring the public about greenhouse gases, Congress is compelling taxpayers to subsidize a car that emits 10 tons of greenhouse gases annually,one of the worst such figures in the auto industry. And while President Barack Obama demands an end to tax...
As food rots in landfills, it emits greenhouse gasses. “Wasted food is a double environmental whammy,” explains Andrews. “When we waste food, we waste all of the resources that went into producing the food. When we send food to the landfill, it generates a lot of greenhouse gases.” ...
Steam crackers are the engines at the heart of the chemical industry. The high-temperature, gas-powered furnaces are essential for basic chemical production, but the process is energy-intensive and emits significant amounts of CO2. To address the climate