the militant patriarch of his family of three, will do whatever it takes to make sure his family do not become infected; even going so far as not to let anyone open the front door without his permission, to ensure that the disease does not come in. ...
He’s evil, but he does it with flair. He’s ineffectual in a fight, but he knows how to turn the tide in his favor when it comes down to it. He even meets his end trying to manipulate the hyenas once again. Scar is unforgettable and fascinating and we need more villains like ...
I had a play date with my friend, Ham, recently. Every few months, we hang out to watch dinosaur videos on YouTube, launch ping pong balls at each other in the basement, and debate how long Godzilla would last against T-Rex. Our outings give his home-schooling mom a respite and shar...
It Comes At Night is a bad choice of title considering it is a film about (incurable) disease, the fear it brings, and the behaviour (paranoia) it manifests in people as a result. Nonetheless, disease does not just come at night; it can come during the day too. This is the first ...
@serahni –I also have problems with the Victorian guy saying it was the government If the general public in the present in films like Godzilla are going to scream and run away instead of saying “I bet it’s Derren Brown”, then I’m fairly sure the average Victorian person would soil...
Pharos Project 224: Gojiras in the Mist In this episode, we talk around the 1998 movie "Godzilla". Direct download: Pharos_Project_224__Gojiras_in_the_Mist.mp3 Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:21pm PDT Sat, 16 June 2018 Pharos Project 223: Attack the Doc Miss Natalie joins us...