Q. Why does Usopp lie? Usopp started making up pirate stories when his mother fell sick in order to make her feel better. This habit remained after her death as a means to cope with the loss of both of his parents. Currently, Usopp lies by boasting about himself to scare away the ene...
after the death of her parents. Uncle pressures her to give up her small-town boyfriend, introducing her to three potential suitors in the hope that he can happily settle her with one of them. Each is in his own way PERFECT. Why then does she keep thinking of the boy she left behind?
However, the history table has additional rows - for every row we updated, the trigger wrote an extra row, so we have both a before and after picture of the modified row in the history table. We end up with 8 rows in the history table, when we should have only 5 (we started with ...