So, who is? A very readable and detailed exposition on the nature of scientific investigation as it relates to climate science has beenwritten by John Mashey and posted over atDeltoidand should be read as part of this post. It explains what/who is credible, and on what basis this judgement...
The big fad toy of 2000 was the scooter, with approximately five million sold that year. These foot-propelled devices, a spin-off of the 1950s models, were made of lightweight aluminum and used tiny, low friction wheels similar to those on in-line skates. Weighing about ten pounds, they...
Never mind the currently-fashionable bit of wokery in the link explaining this reference, bolting on a vague accusation of racism (or raaaaacism) onto anything that a person of pallor says, does, or references – the metaphor of something nasty sticking harder and more firmly no matter how ...
There is such a thing as too light. There is such a thing as too thin. The amusing thing is that I have not even stated a personal opinion and yet you’ve already pegged me as “the enemy”. What more proof could anyone ask for that you are completely blinded by your own emotionall...
It must be a horrible and soul-destroying thing to have invested so much of her life and career in a pretense such as that, even as it brought her opportunities and fame. She was and is talented; no denying that, but one does have to wonder if she would have been quite as famous ...
Billy Joel was finally getting over his recent divorce, which is a much easier thing to do when you’re an internationally famous rock star. So he dated …
does not necessarily mean that people who endorse this label or who use BoyChat are in favor of adults engaging in sex with children. In fact, our qualitative data indicate that some understand this term to mean "someone who loves children" rather than "someone who is a lover to children....
Also, if she does turn out to be the companion (as in the same actress is playing the same character) then won’t it just feel like a River Song rehash? Meaning he meets her when she dies, so now he’ll meet her before she does? I really hope not. That all said, I really ...
The amount of information required by a government department seems inversely proportional to the work that department actually does. Slack periods is when they have the time and desire to invent extra hoops, maybe to justify their jobs. When they’re busy, the last thing they want is more ni...
Nor does Antz try to build attachment for its villain or setting the way some stories do. The bad guy is a generically evil military dude, and the setting is a regular city with ant logos slapped on everything. Final Score: 3 Novelty For a computer-animated cartoon about ants, this ...