Identify two groups that benefit from deflation and two that lose. Who receives the most of what is produced in a market economy? a. Everyone receives an equal amount. b. Those who are most willing and able to buy them. c. People who earn the highest incomes. d. Law...
Q:Can you share any insights about publishing that many authors don’t know, but would benefit from knowing? A:The cream does not rise to the top. The publishers in most cases pick their lead title and put most of their juice behind it, and if something else gets out, it’s by pure...
1. Pelosi Visit: US/China bracing for whether Pelosi does or does not visit Taiwan. If she does, it will mean massive loss of face for Beijing (which made big threats, will look impotent). If she doesn’t, it means massive loss of face for D.C. (will look like hypocritical cowards...
make large artificial profits on Wall Street and withdraw, what's the overall associated economic effect, and where does all this money actual What is a first mover advantage and what role does it play in strategic trade theory? How does the increase in the money...
Cyclical value sectors, such as financials and energy, would likely see an immediate benefit from a Trump re-election, in our view. However, like Trump’s first presidency, we believe deregulation and lower taxes may end up benefiting growth-oriented Technology as well. ...
Does it really make sense to expect that the human population can triple and our consumption of energy increase ten-fold and there will always be enough resources to keep supplies abundant and prices low? No, it doesn’t. Many people believe that ...
“Scott does explicitly recognize that injections of money and credit do disproportionately benefit some economic players, e.g. the steel and other cyclical industries. The point he is making is that it makes little difference where the money is injected. There is a big distinction between the ...
How can I benefit from it? Will it tell me how to vote? How to invest? Will it tell the Fed how to run policy? Noah, I already dealt with that in the earlier comments. And the findings are not extremely robust. In some studies the effect wears off after just three rounds. In ...
safetyandefficiency.Healthworkers,academicsandthegeneralpopulationmaybenefitfromthisresource, asitmayimprovetheirunderstandingofBPdevicesandtheircapacitytomeasureBPaccurately. ThefollowingWHOpublicationsarecomplementarytothebodyofthistechnicalguidanceandspecification document: WorldHealthOrganization CoreMedicalEquipment AFFORDAB...
One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss. 大道之行也,天下为公。 A public spirit will rule all under the sky when the great Way prevails. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The...