Among numerous assessments of well-being in patient and non-patient populations the five-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5; World Health Organization, 1998; Topp et al., 2015) is one of the most widely used measures. The WHO-5 allows for a brief assessment (under 1 ...
The OpenWHO online courses on the aforementioned infectious diseases demonstrate that complex technical information can be repurposed and simplified not only to meet the learning needs of health professionals, but also those of the general public. While measuring learning outcomes in such an environment ...
Another question for CSCW research into care is: What does it mean to carry out professional care in a humanitarian organization, such as 1) RC, hired in by the Prison and Probation Service at a return center and, 2) the DRC, which formally collaborates with the Return Agency (The Return...
Part I, which was administered to all respon- dents, contained assessments of core mental disor- ders. All Part I respondents who reported a number of symptoms of any core mental disorder plus a probability subsample of other Part I respondents were administered Part II, which assessed ...
At four weeks, CSWs administer the post-release assessment to track progress made in the community and to identify if patients require further support for any ongoing or new needs. Patients who requested extended support did not complete any further assessments. For this reason, the proportion of...
Previous studies52,60 have shown that many existing health systems are not optimally configured to support the needs of patients who do not wish to pursue dialysis and that patients and their clinicians often fall back on acute care services when there are gaps in community-based and preventive ...
AI can provide interactive examples, introduce important passages, and offer assessments (评价). In a word, AI has a great ability to improve studying and learning. By using AI, students can study smarter and reach higher levels of learning and success. The future of AI in education is ...
such as horizon scans or scenario assessments,can help governance actors to proactively identify emerging technologies and issues,to respond in a timely manner to advances in science and technology,and develop appropriate governance frameworks.5Global guidance framework for the responsible use of the ...
Thus, the role of the care partner does not diminish, but rather rebalances to reflect the evolving needs of the care recipient while incorporating professional care [38]. Notably, we found that care partners also spent significantly more time providing care when the recipient lived with a ...
We applied a more robust health outcome measure than the mortality index which has been used in other studies [38]. A limitation of this indicator is that it does not exclude inevitable deaths from the estimates and therefore doesn’t accurately reflect the outcome of the care provided in the...