Not only does Redstone present the Jewish agenda on his media conglomerate as “public opinion” as outlined in the Protocols, he is also hell-bent on corrupting the morals of our nation via his MTV syndicated network, his Addicting Games, and his homosexual-lesbian TV station, LOGO, a ...
As long as the estate in question does not exceed $13.99 million as of the 2025 tax year (or $13.61 million in 2024), you will not owe federal estate or inheritance taxes. However, keep an eye on your state for its current rules since some charge estate taxes or inheritance taxes with...
Workers’ compensation is a state government-mandated program, but the required benefits vary from state to state. Texas is the only state that does not require employers to maintain workers’ compensation insurance.1 Key Takeaways Workers’ compensation is a form of employer insurance coverage that...
Intuit recently mandated to record all information in the Employee Center fields. These are the First and Last name, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Address, City, State, Zip, and Employee email and phone number. The best workaround is to ...
Kaplan is a sophisticated investor who spent 22 years at Goldman Sachs, rising to the rank of Vice Chairman. He clearly knew, for five solid years, that he was not providing the dates of his trades as required by the mandated financial disclosure form. On J...
As part of its plan for an improved customer service the bank would be recruiting the first 500 agents across the country with special emphasis on where LBDI customers are based on the analysis of their data base and also where the bank does not have a pre...
Understand What a Mandated Reporter is Certain professionals (doctors, police, teachers, nurses, etc.) are required by law to report any suspicion of child neglect. Act responsibly around mandated reporters: be sober, don’t tell stories about how you were too stoned to cook your c...
1.Finland is now part of NATO, and Sweden will eventually follow suit once Erdogan is done negotiating over the status of various Kurdish groups up north. This is a big deal because, while it does nothing to stop Russian aggression in Ukraine or the Caucasus, it adds VAST border regions ...
GMI Reporter - 20 years ago, the MMR vaccine was found to infect virtually all of its recipients with measles.
What the data does not reflect, however, is the aftermath of the trauma suffered by the children who are returned to their parents, who are often innocent of any wrong-doing. These children, too, have needlessly suffered great anguish, and their...