Are all living creatures made of cells? Explain your reasoning. What do plant cells have that animal cells do not? What is the name for organisms made out of more than one cell? What evidence is there to determine if the cells in our bodies are alive? Who discovered that each cell has...
IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the process whereby egg cells are fertilised outside the body before being implanted in the womb ( 子宫 ). After a cycle of IVF, the probability of a couple with infertility problems having a baby is one in five—the same as healthy couples who conceive ...
Who discovered DNA? This is the story of the Nobel Prize Winners Wilkins, Crick and Watson and DNA discovery/development. DNA - The Molecule of Life Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is the hereditary material present in the cells of all humans and other living organisms. DNA is a nucleic acid ...
The protein was discovered in 1840 by Friedrich Ludwig Hunefeld, a member of the German Biochemistry Association, according to "Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry" by David Nelson and Michael Cox. This discovery was made while viewing the blood of an earthworm. Pressed between two glass slides, ...
infections caused by Streptomyces bacteria(2) Avermectin, discovered by Campbell and Ōmura, comes from ___ . A. bacteriaB. plantsC. farm animalsD. ocean animals(3) Which of the following is TRUE about the discovery of artemisinin? ___ A. It...
MicroRNAs usually act within a cell, but are sometimes released by cells to control activity elsewhere in a body. In some cases, organisms even release microRNAs to control other organisms. This is usually done by disease-causing organisms, but one symbiotic fun...
was air and moisture becoming absorbed into the glass during the manufacturing process, causing bulbs to split and burn out when switched on – a problem not even the most powerful vacuum pump could solve. In 1893, however, Italian inventor Arturo Malignani discovered that if red phosphorus was...
The product in question is Amgen’s Aranesp, a erythropoetin analogue, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the body. It is used in patients undergoing chemotherapy (since many anti-cancer drugs damage bone marrow, where red blood cells are made) and patients with chronic kid...
Residents gradually built a tidy village of single-story homes, shadowed by a grain silo and surrounded by cultivated fields. They turned the kibbutz’s first building into a pub, where younger residents gathered for beer and music. Whimsical statues of eggplants and peppers sprouted outside a ...
The earliest pictures of this instrument were found in Yulin Caves and Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves in Gansu Province, where five erhu pictures were discovered on murals (壁画).1. When did the erhu become a popular instrument? A.In the Tang Dynasty. B.In the Song Dynasty. C.In the Ming...