“Flower of Evil”isn’t just any other ordinary, intriguing crime-thriller. The suspense, exciting goose-chase, mind games and hints dropped along every episode, gave us a chance to ignite our“inner detective traits”in unraveling the mystery behind the series of murders. The intensity of th...
When coming across Jinbe, whom Who's-Who had seen at one point during the latter's tenure as a Warlord of the Sea, Who's-Who directed his spite toward the newly joined Straw Hat, antagonistically refusing to show his face to Jinbe. He later exploited the company of his subordinates for...
Killers of the Flower Moon Blitz Wolfs A Charlie Brown Christmas A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Argylle The Instigators It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Greyhound Fly Me to the Moon Emancipation Ghosted Also directed by John Llewellyn Moxey Children Of An Lac Genesis II ...
First Class returns us to the basics of storytelling and relationship. We are introduced to a bevy of mutant characters without the feel of the high school lunchroom that usually happens in films that have to introduce a lot quickly. (Except in the scene where they choose new code names, wh...
The same condemnations He made of the hypocritical Pharisees in Matthew 23 can be directed toward modern Christian churches for teachings that are contrary to the scriptures (Mar 7:7, 2Jn 1:9). The Church is indistinguishable from the pagan priesthood of Babylon. The parallels fill books ...
It was the creation ofamateur geologist Ole S. Quammen, who directed its construction from 1930 to 1932, using locally sourced "stone wood" from a25-mile radiusof Lemmon. His daughter donated it to the city in 1954—and in 1977, it landed on the National Register of Historic Places because...
Bateman also serves an executive producer and has directed several of the episodes. Ozark has received an impressive 32 Emmy Award nods. Bateman won an Emmy for his work behind the camera in 2018. Bateman also produced, starred, and directed episodes of the HBO dramatic min...
It was the creation ofamateur geologist Ole S. Quammen, who directed its construction from 1930 to 1932, using locally sourced "stone wood" from a25-mile radiusof Lemmon. His daughter donated it to the city in 1954—and in 1977, it landed on the National Register of Historic Places because...
Wickes began on stage in the early 1930s and acted in five plays either written or directed by George S. Kaufman. Her breakthrough came when she hilariously played Miss Preen, the endlessly harassed nurse to the vituperative Sheridan Whiteside (Monty Woolley) in Kaufman and Hart's "The Man...
“Woman of the Hour” isAnna Kendrick’s true-life thriller about Rodney Alcala and this bizarre, only-in-America social-cultural-criminal episode. Kendrick directed the movie (her first effort behind the camera), working from a script by Ian McDonald, and she also stars in it ...