The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift ends with Sean Boswell (Lucas Black) and Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) starting a race and cuts to the end credits before it's revealed who wins. The third installment of the Fast & Furious franchise is mostly a standalone sequel, as it follows a c...
Arguably, his most notable role is that of Tej Parker in the Fast & Furious franchise, where his performance was met with widespread acclaim. His versatility as an actor is evident in the variety of genres he's worked in, ranging from action-packed thrillers to romantic dramas. Despite his...
The “Fast & Furious” actor Walkerdied in a fiery car wreckin Santa Clarita, California, in 2013. He was 40. Roger Rodas, Walker’s friend and business associate, who was driving the Porsche Carrera GT at the time of their accidental deaths, was 38. Philip Seymour Hoffman The Oscar-winn...
Since her (what we now know to be fake) death inFast & Furious 6, babies were born, brothers were reunited, Han Lue (Sung Kang) died and came back from the dead, Cipher (Charlize Theron) came into the fold, and many a barbecue was had. RELATED: A True Fast and Furious Story? T...
Fast & Furious 6 Universal Pictures Fast & Furious 6 Walker tore an ACL while performing a stunt on set ofFurious 6. Production had to work around his absence while he recovered from surgery. Of course, Walker’s death on November 30, 2013, overshadowed any previous injury. Walker and his...
In Fast and Furious, the fourth movie in the series, Letty was brutally murdered by a drug dealer. It's one of the most grueling scenes of a Fast movie, as they usually end optimistically with an affirming speech about family from Dom at a BBQ. However, in a post-credits scene in ...
As far as I’m concerned, TNT showrunner Cynthia Cidre fixed one of the old “Dallas’s” biggest blunders — the ham-handed writing surrounding Principal’s 1987 exit — and redeemed Pam by revealing that she was, in fact, trying to come home to Bobby and Christopher when she died. It...
Here we are getting ready to jump into summer with both feet, mosquito season in Minnesota. The little guys can be fierce and relentless, but we're not without the ability to fight back. Mosquito: (See Minnesota Bird) We all react to their itchy bites differently. After a weekend of cam...
The Fast and the Furious eBay The Fast and the Furious Recent eBay Sale Price: $1,000 While most of the highest-priced VHS tapes are for movies from the 1970s and ’80s, a couple of more recent titles do make the list as well — like The Fast and the Furious, which launched a bi...
film, and on the rare occasion is completely scrapped. There are several occasions in movie history of this unfortunate event happening. These actors leave their lasting impact on the work they produce even after they are gone. Let's examine ten actors who died while filming their last movie....