Where did Crow get this idea? From Martha, the woman who took him in when he was an orphaned little boy himself. 243 votes Do you love them? 13 Misato Katsuragi - 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' Photo: Gainax When there are a bunch of young teenagers working as mecha pilots, an a...
Nephrite is an earlySailor Mooncharacter who was redeemed through the power of love, then passed away shortly after. Not only did he do absolutely nothing to deserve the affection showered on him by Naru (Molly in the dub), any hints of his reciprocating her feelings aren't sweet and r...
Nana is the voice behind Hyuuga Hinata in Naruto and Kriemhild in Kakumeiki Valvrave, in which she also sings the opening song in a duet with T.M.Revolution, Preserved Roses. Nana is currently preparing for her big two-day live in Tokyo Dome, titled LIVE GALAXY. Don’t forget to check...
Oh yeah as someone who's worn a velvet lined pleather cat suit in summer more than once, I know that feel. 2024 Cosplans (Subject to Change) Rangiku - Bleach Zenitsu - Demon Slayer Marie - Splatoon Tsunade- Naruto Pidge- Voltron Top nekropunx88 Getting the hang of this... Posts: ...
Nephrite is an early Sailor Moon character who was redeemed through the power of love, then passed away shortly after. Not only did he do absolutely nothing to deserve the affection showered on him by Naru (Molly in the dub), any hints of his reciprocating her feelings aren't sweet an...
Two prominent anime girls with glasses also happen to be red heads: Grell Sutcliff from Black Butler, and Karin from Naruto Shippuden. One of the most powerful anime women to wear glasses is Integra Hellsing from the Hellsing series. Still other anime girls who wear eyeglasses include Saya ...
Where did Crow get this idea? From Martha, the woman who took him in when he was an orphaned little boy himself. 243 votes Do you love them? 13 Misato Katsuragi - 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' Photo: Gainax When there are a bunch of young teenagers working as mecha pilots, an ...
Do you love them? 2 Iruka Umino - 'Naruto' Photo: Studio Pierrot Probably because constant warfare leads to a whole lot of orphaned children,Narutois actually full of surrogate parents. While there are plenty to choose from, let's take a look at Iruka Umino, the first parental ...
Where did Crow get this idea? From Martha, the woman who took him in when he was an orphaned little boy himself. 243 votes Do you love them? 13 Misato Katsuragi - 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' Photo: Gainax When there are a bunch of young teenagers working as mecha pilots, an ...
Nephrite is an earlySailor Mooncharacter who was redeemed through the power of love, then passed away shortly after. Not only did he do absolutely nothing to deserve the affection showered on him by Naru (Molly in the dub), any hints of his reciprocating her feelings aren't sweet and ...