Winburn did stunt work for over 70 films, including Escape From New York, TRON, The Night Stalker, and Glory. He also starred in shows and movies, such as Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen, Cagney & Lacey, Hunter, and Island of Witches. Behind the camera, Winburn directed...
The subject of the first-ever "The Jetsons" episode, Rosie the Robot (originally spelled "Rosey") is the Jetson family's robotic maid. First hired by the Jetsons from U-Rent A Maid, Rosie is much more than a sentient vacuum cleaner (despite being a piece of obsolete technology). Rosie'...
"You did the right thing. You were honest that it's not something you can do in your life currently. You were honest and hopefully she appreciates you not wasting her time. It probably would've been nice for you to know about the child immediately," another shared. "You made a VERY ...
crazy-quilt patterns on seat covers, Jetson-style lighting, and more. Plus on old (originals?) wooden bar with swivel stools. Enjoy delicious wings, and burgers here, drop a few quarters into the juke pox, shoot a game of pool, and have fun!
George too, fell in love with him. But it turns outAstro was actually owned by a very wealthy manby the name of J.P. Gottrockets. He named the dog Tralfaz and sued to get him back from the Jetsons. But because good always wins in TV. Tralfaz Gottrockets became Astro Jetson. ...