Participants who did not have COVID-19 or did have COVID-19 without presence of persistent symptoms were asked to indicate the severity of complaints in the past year. Sociodemographic, medical, and psychological factors were collected in the annual waves of the LISS core study. Sociodemographic ...
Approximately two-thirds of the sample reported that they believed it was possible to contract COVID-19 through sex, with anal sex reported as the least risky sex act. Men did not generally feel it was important to reduce their number of sex partners during COVID-19, but reported a ...
Previous studies have suggested that COVID-19 led to an increase in stigma towards the Asian population with a negative impact on their health. This study
Did COVID-19 restrictions affect post-operative rehabilitation of patients who underwent arthroscopic management of femoroacetabular impingement?doi:10.25259/JMSR_113_2023Abdelsalam, Mohamed A.Abdelmowla, Rasha A. A.Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery & Research (JMSR)...
Such may affect the precision of our estimates. In addition, the studied population was conveniently selected from three universities in one Chinese province, and the sample size of MSM-US was much smaller than that of NUS. These potential selection bias and sample imbalance further indicate ...
GENEVA (Reuters) - An independent panel said on Monday that Chinese officials could have applied public health measures more forcefully in January to curb the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and criticised the World Health Organization (WHO) for not declaring an international emergency until Jan. ...
The objective of this study is to assess psychological distress among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in China during the COVID-19 pandemic and examine whether these mental health outcomes differ by HIV status. Data were derived from a cross-sectional survey on the...
Tedros also said of the around 80,000 reported cases of COVID-19 in China, more than 70 percent have recovered and been discharged. Among the countries with the most cases, China is bringing its epidemic under control. He stressed that the transmission of coronavirus can be slowed down and...
Dave Chappelle noted they did the same thing with him, coming in and telling him he would wear a dress in the next scene, and then getting really angry with him when he would not. They tried to tell him everyone did it, and he responded, “Then that bit is played out son” or som...
For many of us in the past year, COVID has become another "cold" we encounter and may not even bother testing. Yet, we continue to seedeaths and hospitalizationsacross the country. Serious COVID infections continue to affect our most vulnerable people. These includeelderly people, especially ...