By clustering granular topics into broader categories, we developed descriptive themes of the conversations in these communities (see Table 1). Fig. 1 Expected structural topic modeling proportions in the porn free women forum Full size image Table 1 Structural topic modeling topics associated with ...
经济学人书评:谁在害怕酷儿理论之母朱迪斯·巴特勒? 发表于2024年4月25日的经济学人Culture板块,翻译如下:曾经,关于性别的奇葩理论在社会科学界都只是边缘存在。得益于一些学者的推动,如今这些理论,尤其是性别可变的观点,已经成为了人们茶余饭后甚至是州议会的热门话题。其中最为重要的人物当属来自加州大学伯克利分校、...
43K Feminism is a political and social movement, developed in waves throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, that advocates for equality between men and women. Explore the history, ideology, and impact that feminism had on politics, and explore the different types of feminism. Related...
rights to everything womanhood. Queer Theory has certainly helped in this men’s rights cause, but men were already trying to force their way in decades before Queer Theory was developed. As a matter of fact, there would be no Queer Theory if it wasn’t for the male fetishiz...
L. 1993. `Who is the "Other "?: A Postmodern Feminist Critique of Women and Development Theory and Practice'. Development and Change 24(3): 439-464.Who is the ‘other’?: A postmodern feminist critique of women and development theory and practice - Parpart - 1993...
aFeminist theory, which emerged from these feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and...
Scholars across Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) increasingly focus on the topic of care when investigating data-driven technologies in contexts of re-humanizing technology design and usage. Previous studies have shown how care work eludes complex bureaucratic systems shaped by data, digitalizat...
He began to travel around western Europe and developed a gambling addiction, which led to financial hardship. For a time, he had to beg for money, but he eventually became one of the most widely read and highly regarded Russian writers. Dostoevsky was influenced by a wide variety of ...
Explore the work of Gottlob Frege. Discover facts about Frege's life and educational background, study his theory of sense and reference, and...
Karen Horney is a German psychoanalyst who focused her life's work on her theory of neurosis and feminist psychology.Answer and Explanation: Karen Horney developed her theories in opposition to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud's views. More specifically, his theory of "penis envy"......