An electron is one of the three subatomic particles present in an atom. It carries a unit negative charge and exists outside the nucleus. The mass of an electron is negligible as compared to a proton or neutron. Since an electron is negatively charged, therefore, it deflects toward...
Through the analyses of recovered pottery, this study explores the social dimension of an ancestor cult developed at the Petit-Chasseur megalithic necropolis (Upper Rhône Valley, Switzerland) during the Early Bronze Age (2200–1600 BC). The jar votive offerings and domestic pottery from settlement...
In 1913 Bohr proposed hisquantized shell model of the atom to explain how electrons can have stable orbits around the nucleus. ... The energy of an electron depends on the size of the orbit and is lower for smaller orbits. Radiation can occur only when the electron jumps from one orbit t...
(Atoms have protons and neutrons in their nucleus, and surrounding that, they have their electrons arranged in orbitals., Orbitals describe the location of an electron as well as its wave-like behavior.)That means all of the elements in the third period — sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon...
Experimental electron density study of a complex between copper(II) and the antibacterial quinolone family member ciprofloxacin. An experimental charge density study of a 1 : 1 complex of Cu-cfx (cfx = ciprofloxacin), 1 [Cu(cfx)(H(2)O)(3)]SO4.2H(2)O, has been performed using single-c...
At the August 2013 Flash Memory Summit SK hynix announced that it would sample 3D NAND by the end of the year. (This post’s graphic shows side-by-side cross section illustrations of the SK hynix 3D NAND design and an electron micrograph of that device.) At about the same time, in aC...
The cause of his death is yet to be determined; although no suicide note was found, there was also no indication of foul play. Age: Dec. at 56 (1953-2009) Birthplace: Shibuya, Japan Crown Princess Masako Diplomat Masako (雅子, born Masako Owada (小和田雅子, Owada Masako); 9 ...
2D and DOSY NMR spectroscopies support the sandwiched binding mode based on 1:1 host-guest interactions. The binding constants (K(S)) of complex 1 for various PAHs were determined by NMR titration studies and the values were found to span up to an order of 10(4) M(-1) for coronene ...
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Flowing Erythrocytes in Hepatic Sinusoids as Revealed by "in Vivo Cryotechnique" The flowing behavior of individual erythrocytes in blood vessels is usually determined by their deformability, which is controlled mainly by the nature of their interior constituents and...
A Swede who wrote a trilogy about collecting bugs, an Egyptian doctor who put pants on rats to study their sex lives and a British researcher who lived like an animal have been named winners of the Ig Nobels, the annual spoof prizes for quirky scientific