English Language Learners Definition of malnourished :not eating enough food or not eating enough healthy food : poorly nourished. See the full definition for malnourished in the English Language Learners Dictionary. malnourished. adjective. mal·nour·ished | \ (ˈ)mal-ˈnər-isht, ...
There is no single definition of the term "runaway youth" or "homeless youth." However, both groups of youth share the risk of not having adequate shelter and other provisions, and may engage in harmful behaviors while away from a perman... AL Fernandes - Library of Congress. Congressional...
The main aim of the VS002A trial is to compare the efficacy (duration of diarrhea, stool output, ORS intake, and clinical success) of amino acid-based ORS “VS002A” compared to standard glucose-based WHO-ORS (GORS) in infants and young children suffering from acute non-cholera watery di...