( P M2 . 5 a nd PM1 0 ) , ozo ne, nit roge n diox ide, sulf ur diox ide and carbon monox ide. ISBN 9 78 -9 2-4 -00 34 22-8 (elect ronic version) ISBN 978-92-4-0034 2 1- 1 (print version) © World Healt h Organizat ion 2 02 1 So me rights reserved . T ...
“I am filled with pride and joy as I witness the historic moment of having Egypt recognized internationally as the first country to have achieved this remarkable progress towards eliminating the disease,” said WHO Representative in Egypt, Dr Naeema Al Gasseer. “...
WHO is urging leaders attending the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to guarantee equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and other life-saving tools; ensure the world is better prepared to respond to future pandemics; and renew efforts to achieve the Sustainable Develo...
This is my promised third column in a series about the effect of H-1B visa abuse on U.S. technology workers and ultimately on the U.S. economy. This time I want to take a very high-level view of the problem that may not even mention words like “H-1B” or even...
“I would like to thank the Government of Pakistan and PIA for their efforts to support WHO and the people of Afghanistan. Humanitarian agencies such as WHO have faced enormous challenges in sending life-saving supplies to Afghanistan in recent weeks due to security and logistics constraints. The...