Who were the Indigenous people of Britain? Who was the King of England when American colonists declared their independence from England? Who discovered the Kingdom of Kongo? Who ruled the Ilkhanate? Who created the first settlement in Greenland? Which British ruler defeated the Spanish Armada?
age, Jackson became dissatisfied with political life. Known as a fiery man with a harsh temper, Jackson longed for the combat he experienced in his youth. In 1812, when Jackson was 45, President Madison declared war on Great Britain, giving Andrew the opportunity to return to the battlefield...
Before the French Revolution, the Seven Years' War was the last significant struggle to engage all the European superpowers. Hanover, Prussia, and Great Britain were on one side, while France, Saxony, Austria, Russia and Sweden were on the other....
They arrived in Britain on the day war was declared. "We really cut it rather fine, " he said on Desert Island Discs in 1998. After leaving school, he worked as a technician at the Radcliffic Infirmary in Oxford, where he invented a machine to count red blood cells, and then at the...
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is strengthening travel restrictions, quarantine rules and border control measures in its fight against the novel coronavirus after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the worldwide spread of COVID-19 a pandemic. Hong Kong...
They arrived in Britain on the day war was declared. “We really cut it rather fine,” he said on Desert Island Discs in 1998. After leaving school, he worked as a technician at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, where he invented a machine to count red blood cells, and then at the ...
Who won the Revolutionary War British or colonists? American Revolution, also called United States War of Independence or American Revolutionary War, (1775–83), insurrection by which13 of Great Britain's North Americancolonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of Ame...
When Britain declared war on Germany in August 1914, Canada and Newfoundland automatically joined the war. The Newfoundland Regiment's first recruits, sent overseas in October 1914, would become known as the "Blue Puttees" because of the colour of the cloth wraps they...
Detailed below is a list of the nations who formally declared hostilities during World War One, along with their date of entrance. Nations of the British Empire, e.g. Australia, Canada and New Zealand, automatically entered the war with Britain's decision to enter the fray on 4 August 1914...
The War of 1812 was a conflict located in the United States and Canada and was primarily fought between the United States of American and Great Britain. The war began on June 18, 1812, and lasted until the Treaty of Ghent was signed and then ratified by the US Senate on February 17, ...