Part of the angelic hierarchy, Seraphim are not as frequently mentioned in the Bible as other angelic beings, such ascherubimorarchangels. Their role is primarily associated with worship and exaltation of God. The term "Seraphim" comes from the Hebrew word "seraph," which means "burning ones" ...
6 And foreigners who join themselves to the Lord, to minister to him,To love the name of the Lord, to become his servants—All who keep the sabbath without profaning it and hold fast to my covenant, Read full chapter Isaiah 56:6 in all English translations New American Bible (Revised...
32 And I will make the land desolate, so that your enemies who inhabit it will themselves feel desolate because of it. 33 You, however, I will scatter among the nations and will draw out a sword after you, as your land becomes desolate and your cities become waste. 34 ‘Then the land...
“If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten” – Rudyard Kipling Finding the Story – Craftings the Story – Telling the Story Make a list of your values: stories of them in action or being tested. Stories attach themselves to the nouns. Make a list...
The villages stay clear of them, the gateways withdraw. The distance, that has come to meet them. reels away back. Staggering, they wade knee deep in the low, darkly-muffled clatter of their wooden clogs as through invisible leaf litter. ...
By these definitions, many atheists could call themselves Christians. What Are Secular Churches? Another alternative for people who enjoy being ministers, but who have lost faith in faith, is to form a secular church. It turns out that many people are looking for groups of this kind. They ...
place. We represent much of what a ‘first culture’ person might fear and resent (see boxes). It’s ironic: whereas we TCKs struggled to find an identity from the murk of multiple cultures, now it’s those with crystal-clear ideas of their single culture who feel...
but thought they cut a bit ofskin out of a baby's forehead (spelt forred) and that itmade a mark. 但 也许 是割 一点点 皮 下来 在那婴儿的 额头(拼写成 forred)并 以此 作为 标记。 So Mildred said, 然后 缪珏 说, it must have hurt likebillyo, 那 一定 会 痛得要死, and asked ...
I am less concerned over the exact moment of its occurrence, or that every ritual is observed, than the opportunity is made possible and accessible for all. We cannot do anything about the one who wishes to cut themselves off, but we can do everything to count them in. Rabbi Aaron G...
“Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies;” (Romans 8:33)TAKEAWAY: When God justifies, human opinions lose their weight. The justification of the elect is secure in Christ.8. The elect are instructed to clothe themselves with nine things: compassion, ...