who created the Superweapon, so Roger, Daniel, Scarlett & Jessica Rabbit must stop him from taking over Characterville before it's too late. Plot[] In this film, Daniel, Scarlett and Roger Rabbit goes on an adventure to save Jessica and their parents. Daniel, Scarlett, Roger and the ...
Several months ago, Spotilife, the only tweak to get Spotify Premium, stopped working on new Spotify versions. I decompiled Spotilife, reverse-engineered Spotify, intercepted requests, etc., and created this tweak. Restrictions Please refrain from opening issues about the following features, as they...
There has been considerable debate concerning the factors that may have contributed to the evolution of complex human language1. Language, as an additional system for social communication and information transmission, is one of the most radical major adaptive changes in human evolutionary terms2. Its...
But there are many more modest forms of the same kind of pleasure. Many20 men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntaryhard work in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all thejoys of having created beauty.The whole subject of ...
While there are numerous disabled people who complete employment training programs, there are not enough people that are disabled in the workplace. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was created to assure there would be less discrimination against people with disabilities and promote them to ...
The American psychiatrist Michael First [2] created the broader term "Body Integrity Identity Disorder" (BIID), under which most scientific publications can still be found today. Later, "Xenophilia" (from "xeno" = foreign) was added, but it is rarely used. Those affected sometimes call ...
Links between participants were created and weighted based on Equation (1), indicating the likelihood of social connections. Using this network, we calculated the weighted degree centrality of each node (Equation (2)) to identify potential community leaders, who should have high degree centrality as...
Oh by the way, the five original illustrations I have included here, were also created by and for me by the Midjourney A.I. art creation site through their Discord web site. “What dreams are made of, indeed!” Happy Creative Writing and Creating Artwork with A.I. in Your Future!
#A use the seccomp profile we just created #B expose the container’s port 8080 on the host 1 2 3You will see the process starting, but notice the PID equal to -1 (bold font). This is the seccomp blocking the getpid syscall, and returning an error code -1, just like we asked ...
Several months ago, Spotilife, the only tweak to get Spotify Premium, stopped working on new Spotify versions. I decompiled Spotilife, reverse-engineered Spotify, intercepted requests, etc., and created this tweak.RestrictionsPlease refrain from opening issues about the following features, as they ...