The Persian Empire was a series of ancient civilizations that inhabited modern day Iran. While Cyrus the Great founded the Persian empire in 550 B.C., Xerxes I greatly diminished the Empire's strength when he tried to invade Greece in 480 B.C....
Who created the Mughal Empire? What distinguished the Mughal ruler Akbar? Who did the Mughal Empire trade with? Which Mughal emperor is known by the name of Rangila? Who was the Mughal king after Akbar? Which Mughal emperor made Allahabad his capital?
Who was the famous leader of the ancient Persian Empire? A. 可专深况快可专深况快Alexander the Great可专深况快可专深况快 B. 形身在队况单实先九查品情子电形身在队况单实先九查品情子电Cyrus the Great形身在队况单实先九查品情子电形身在队况单实先九查品情子电 C. 造活条相律起打门...
Using the same 8 x 8 ashtapada board, Indians created a new game where each piece represented a division of the army: foot soldiers, horses for cavalry, and elephants for breaking through enemy ranks. To win the game, you had to capture the enemy's king, who was flanked by a military...
The Persian emperor created satraps, or provinces, that were self governed regions that were subservient to the Persian government. Each satrap had a Persian governor and that individual would levy taxes or military conscription based on the needs of the greater empire....
while in Sogdiana, created a 1,000 strong unit of horse archers that was recruited from various Iranian peoples. They were very effective atscoutingand in screening the rest of the army from the enemy. Firing their bows whilst mounted, they offered highly mobile missile fire on the battlefield...
The Old Testament is written mostly in Hebrew, with a few small sections written in Aramaic, which is the language that evolved after the Jews were transported out of the land of Israel and lived in the land that was ruled by several kingdoms that eventually became the ...
conquer Peru's Inca empire. (67) cortes (1485-1547), Spain, led a small team to conquer Mexico. (68) Isabel I (1451-1504) Spain, created the United Kingdom of Spain, financed Columbus's expedition, and made South America, China and the United States largely colonies of Spain....
to show everyone how beautiful she was. Queen Vashti refused to obey her husband and didn’t come when he beckoned. The king was so enraged at her disrespect and disobedience that he decided to divorce her, as well as issue a royal decree to the Persian empire that “every man be master...
Legend has it that he filled an entire room with gold, an amount estimated at roughly $1.5 billion in today’s terms.14The Spanish killed him anyway and gutted his empire, but the billions of dollars worth of gold and silver that flooded Europe after 1500 caused high inflation and a prolo...