Who used the telephone when it was first invented? Who wrote the Book of Romans in the Holy Bible? What culture first invented movable type? What printing method was invented after the printing press? Who invented the typewriter? Who created the first writing system in China? Who invented woo...
God is the initial and ultimate self created… That something that overcame nothing to be Himself as the Ultimate of all Creation ,within which all other created thing lies… Therefore He declares of Himself, I am That I am…. and I am… The First and the Last, the beginning and the ...
But God by definition is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question ‘Who created God?’ is illogical, just like ‘To whom is the bachelor married?’ So a more sophisticated questioner might ask: ‘If the universe needs a cause, then why doesn’t God need a cause? And ...
There is one central message consistently carried by all 40 writers of the Bible: God, who created us all, desires a relationship with us. He calls us to know him and trust him. The Bible not only inspires us, it explains life and God to us. It does not answerallthe questions we mi...
Love from her Wild Things Run Free LP in 1982 finds Joni wiser to the ways of the world looking to the bible and Corinthians 13 to find hope in the words of the old scriptures for a more cautious future. The first rule of love is to love yourself first. Simon & Garfunkel – America...
上帝又是谁创造的呢(WhocreatedGod) WhocreatedGod? RayComfort/ZhouZhoutranslation Ask: IftheuniverseandhumanbeingsarecreatedbyGod,thenwho createdGod?Iftheuniverseneedsacause,whydoesn'tGodneed acause?IfGoddoesn'tneedacause,whydoestheuniverseneed acause? Answer: WhocreatedGod? Thisisthequestionthatsome...
Above all, we find in all this literature the planting and the first germination of that great hope which turned the thought of this people from the earliest generations toward the future, and made them trust and pray and wait, in darkest times, for better days to come. “Speak unto the...
Not early enough by any stretch. Also, the first 200 years there were no gospels or writings, and they admit that much forgeries were "fairly common":Also visit section #4 below: 4- The Roman Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the Bible had been "altered" [4]....
adam and eve, from the bible, were running around the garden of eden naked. they didn’t know they were naked until they ate the food of knowledge; some interpret that as the first time they had sex. they were naked all this time. that’s what happened when i really first heard her...
Tags:Bible,Christian,Christianity,come into existence,endless regress,Eternal,everything requires a cause,God,God is eternal,God never came into existence,John Stewart Mill,R.C. Sproul,Richard Dawkins,The God Delusion,transcendent,uncaused cause,universe,where did God come from,who created God,who...