God wants humans to be forever mortal and join Him in His kingdom of heaven, not a praying mantis, the creatures here on earth are just part of His creation. And yes the pun was intended on the “praying” mantis I chose it because it amused me :) Next I am not a troll, please...
Bdo that why what whether who be Humans always wonder about the earth they live on and the space above them. When early men watched the night sky, they asked themselves a lot questions about the moon, the stars and the planets They looked at the moon and wondered 23 this strange bright...
These individuals are seeking to be the founders of a biological revolution. They are claiming that thousands of biologists, past and present, who devoted their lives to understanding the causes and means of maintaining and producing biological diversity on Earth are utterly wrong...
It seems to me we’re too often unwilling to admit that UFOs could be both nuts-and-bolts machines from another planet AND ethereal paranormal things from another dimension, OR neither of these, but simply the least popular view: UFOs are machines created by humans on Earth (with or without...
which would have forced early humans to use a great deal of imagination and reasoning to decode the path and whereabouts of an animal based on a few tracks in the earth. Like all great questions, the question took him farther than he ever thought possible, and before long he was trekking...
rescuers let Frida loose to confirm their findings. If she barks, someone is alive. If she finds a corpse, she suddenly stops, before moving very cautiously. It's not easy work. Frida has to crawl through spaces that humans cannot navigate, but as of 2017, she's detected 52 people and...
In today's world, where tech empires grow rapidly and consolidate vast fortunes, it's tempting to think that today's billionaires are the wealthiest humans ever to walk the Earth. But, as it turns out, the wealthiest people lived centuries ago, and their fortunes were so vast that they re...
news for terminally ill Ross. He can be placed into suspended animation until a cure is found for his disease. The results are a mixed success. Ross wakes, now healthy, to discover that humans have, during his long slumber, not only annihilated themselves but almost all life on Earth. ...
Suddenly, comics were all about action and adventure, whether it be new superheroes or plucky humans taking on baddies in the big city or foreign lands. In 1939, a woman named Tarpe Mills (born June Mills) drew a story called “Daredevil Barry Finn” for the “Amazing Mystery Funnies”...
The first search engineon the internet was Archie, a post-graduate project created by Alan Emtage at McGill University, Montreal. total number of active websiteson the web is more than 1.8 billion. The Internet emerged as the fastest medium of communication to reach 50 million users. Compared...