To help educate you about Batman's impending big-screen adversary – the super-steroid-fueled Bane, to be played by Tom Hardy – PopcornBiz went straight to the source: comic book writer Chuck Dixon, who co-created the character with artist Graham Nolan back in 1993.Who...
But when Bruce Wayne realizes the only way to stop this madman is to kill him, he must consider violating the very rule Batman won't break...the same rule that created this insatiable villain-the Batman Who Laughs! Vendor: DC COMICS Type: comics Tag: preview-for-december-2018 ... Fans who Love Comics For Fans who Love Comics Posted inMarvel|Taggedcomics,Cosmic,Donny Cates,Ghost Rider,Marvel Comics,Marvel Cosmic,Odin,Punisher|1 Comment Batman Giant #1 (DC) Posted onJuly 1, 2018bycomicspectrum ...
Created by Fritz Leiber Written by […] MORE » Reviews “Batman” #401 By Brian Salvatore | May 31, 2024 | Reviews It would be impossible for me to remember the first comic I ever owned; as I’ve mentioned time and time again on this site, my dad would take me on ...
dana nana nana nana BATMAN!” manic depression said: “MaddMan says: Wow, I’m a real geek if I know about something before it’s posted on Damn Interesting… yes you are” manic depression said: “Furnace says: As a long-time reader with countless long-boxes of comics stacked in the...
Five (Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, See-More, Billy Numerous), Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Plastic Man, The Atom, Supergirl, Hal Jordan, Kilowog, Tomar-Re, Chief, Elasti-Girl, Negative Girl, Robot Man, Captain Marvel, The Spectre, Titans East (Aqualad, ...
Like Harley Quinn before him, Terry McGinnis was created for an animated TV series and later ushered into the comics based on his popularity. The cartoon in question in Terry's case was, of course,Batman Beyond. This series told the story of an older Bruce Wayne, thirty years or so in...
But the claim has issues, issues that were raised, strangely enough and albeit obliquely, in the infamousNaruto v. Slater“monkey selfie” case, where the court rightly found that a monkey cannot claim copyright in a photograph it allegedly created because only humans have standing to bring such...
Ruth Atkinson, who had drawn bombers for Fiction House during World War II, created the teen series “Patsy Walker” in 1944. (Via In the early ’50s, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were the only superheroes that still had their own titles. But under the Comics Co...
Otto Binder co-created the DC Comics heroine ‘Supergirl’ along with a handful of other well-known - and lesser-known - comic book heroes. After being born in Bessemer in 1911, the Binder family hung in that Upper Peninsula town for eleven years…then they moved to Chicago. In 1922, sc...