In the context of WHO's statistical reporting of COVID-19 data, it is important to note that only confirmed cases are included in case and death counts. In guidance updated on 22 July 2023; there are two alternative definitions for 'Confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 infection' in international...
COVID-19 Preparedness Research New England Journal of Medicine Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resource Center Clinical conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci (audio) Data can make an impact Leading Through Change Valuable perspectives, tips, and resources to help your business quickly and confidently nav...
"The main outcome (of the forum) is an agreed roadmap on what questions we need to ask, and how we will go about answering those questions," Tedros said Tuesday at the daily media briefing on Covid-19. "A research roadmap is also important for organizations that fund research to have ...
In the context of WHO's statistical reporting of COVID-19 data, it is important to note that only confirmed cases are included in case and death counts. In guidance updated on 22 July 2023; there are two alternative definitions for 'Confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 infection' in international...
汇总WHO在公共卫生、疾病健康领域收集、分析及发布的各种数据,例如COVID-19 Dashboard(新冠疫情数据看板)、Mortality Database(死亡率数据库,注:包括各种因素导致的死亡数据统计,如传染性疾病、非传染性疾病、伤害等)、Global Health Observatory(全球卫生观察)等项目,具体不在此详述。
Alongside COVID-19 related keywords, researchers also investigated SARS, SARS cov 2, MERS cov and other diseases. The Lancet, Virology, Journal of Medical Virology and Antiviral Research are found to be among the top journals. Countrywise, China, USA and Germany are the top publishing countries...
2020年10月15日,世界卫生组织WHO在MedRxiv发表了用于治疗COVID-19的抗病毒药物的Solidarity Trial中期结果[1],引起全世界的广泛关注,各大媒体争相报道。2020年2月,世界卫生组织COVID-19研究论坛建议在大型随机试验中对治疗进行评估[2],并且WHO其他专家组已经确定了4种抗病毒药物:瑞德西韦、羟氯喹、洛匹那韦...
世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士在3月6日的媒体通报会上正式发布了针对2019冠状病毒病的全球研究路线图,并明确了包括病毒的自然史、流行病学、疫苗、诊断试剂、治疗工具、临床管理、伦理考量、社会科学等在内的9大关键领域的核心优先事项。 上海市公共卫生临床中心第一时间组织人员进行翻译,中文版全文如下: ...