他们应该指定: ■■individual sites where collectors should collect samples (by facility type and address, possibly including global positioning system (GPS) coordinates); 收集者应收集样本的个别地点(按设施类型和地址,可能包括全球定位系统(GPS)坐...
Who invented GPS or global positioning system? Who invented the meter stick? Who taught the importance of sterilizing surgical instruments? What is a senile cataract? Who discovered transpiration? Who inspired Andreas Vesalius? Who wrote the first book about plant pathology?
whose technicians were equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) device in their cars and a smartphone with scheduling software to plan their assignments, based in part on their current location.
There is also a range of standalone GPS based devices such as the Trekker Breeze, the Trekker Maestro, the Kapten, or the Braillenote GPS that are designed to provide travel information to people who are blind. While the Trekker series of GPS units enjoyed success within the blindness communi...
Our Government spent 40 Billion on the NHS insuring our Health Service (all hospital, GPs, doctor etc) became CODEX compliant and 40 Billion to DUMB DOWN Education (CODEX.) Our own Government ordered the industry to start installing SMART METERS. URGENT WARNING: H5N1 DNA in Flu Vaccine (Docki...