Who settled in New Spain? What was the first English colony in North America? Who conquered the Olmecs? What natives came to the first Thanksgiving with Chief Massasoit? Which European nation founded a settlement at Jamestown? What was Vitus Bering searching for on his first voyage? Who was...
Who settled in New Spain? What Indigenous native people did Hernando de Soto meet on his voyage? Who took Mexico from the Olmecs? Who came to power during the Cuban Revolution? Who was the Spanish conquistador who conquered Peru? What Indigenous tribe controlled Jalisco, Mexico? Who lived in...
By 1900 much of Africa had been colonized by sevenEuropean powers—Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. After the conquest of African decentralized and centralized states, the European powers set about establishing colonial state systems. Which country first colonized Africa?
23. In 1492 Columbus discovered American and claimed America for Spain. 24. The most important contributions to the musical world by 7 / 4Beethoven were in those musical forms 15、 associated with the growth of the sonata). 25. Swan Lake was composed by Tchaikovsky. 三、选择题 1. Where ...
Who were the first explorers in New Spain? Who discovered Spain? Who funded Samuel de Champlain? Who founded Costa Rica? Who discovered Colombia? Who invented the caravel? Who discovered El Salvador? Who settled in New Spain? Who conquered Spain in 1808? Who did Bartolome de las Casas write...