The exceptional individuals described in this collection all contributed mightily to the worlds of entertainment, culture, and beyond. Each had a unique story, with talents and achievements that made them stand out among their peers. The untimely passing from cancer of these celebrities is a poignan...
The Amazons,fearsome daughters of Ares, the Olympian god of war, are among the most enigmatic figures in Greek mythology. Shrouded in mystery and intrigue, they were said to inhabit distant lands far beyond the edge of the “civilized world,”in the Pontic-Caspian steppe of Scythia and Sarmat...
He published his first children's book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street in 1937. During World War II, he took a brief hiatus from children's literature to illustrate political cartoons, and he also worked in the animation and film department of the United States Army where ...
However, following the end of the Second World War and the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many nuclear scientists began to question whether the ‘Super’ – if it was feasible – should actually be developed. Some, like Oppenheimer, Bethe, Fermi, and Atomic Energy Commission chair David...
West brought back. At once, several amateur translations were made, but Soviet censorship was suspicious about the “Western” author and, for a long time, Tolkien’s booksweren’t officially available in the USSR. During the Cold War, Mordor could be even perceived as a metaphor for the ...
The 17th verse states that to obtain the best results, one should choose a name depending on the situation or place of worship. Hence, the text prescribes people to worship her as Lakṣmī in the royal house but to invoke her as Jayā in times of war. She should be called Kṣema...
The Ba¯la¯ goddess is one of the manifestations of Tripura¯, the main deity of S´r¯ıvidya¯, a Hindu Tantric cult (Brooks 1992). As the name Tripura¯ indicates, she has three forms: Tripura¯ Ba¯la¯ (The Young Maiden of Three Worlds), Tripurasundar¯ı ...
22. “How many chances are there that in one or few of those unknown worlds, some mighty civilizations had contrived the ways to see through the past time and billions of light-years?”― Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels ...
A piece of the family statement read, “Through his revolutionary business leadership, Clarence became affectionately known as ‘the Black Godfather’ in the worlds of music, entertainment, politics, and sports. Clarence leaves behind a loving family and a sea of friends and associates that have ...
A piece of the family statement read, “Through his revolutionary business leadership, Clarence became affectionately known as ‘the Black Godfather’ in the worlds of music, entertainment, politics, and sports. Clarence leaves ...