In 1901, William Bateson, the biologist who coined the word genetics, presented his first "Report to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society". It included a footnote on "extraordinarily interesting" observations by Archibald Garrod, a physician at the Hospital for Sick Children in London: "...
Who coined the term animalcules?Question:Who coined the term animalcules?Pioneer of Microscopy:Millions of the organisms on Earth are too small to see with the naked eye, and can only be viewed through a microscope. A scientist who built and refined the compound microscope was the first to ...
Who was responsible for the first archaeological dig ever recorded? Who discovered thermohaline circulation? Who coined the term convergent evolution? How did the Antarctic Ocean get its name? Who was the first person to name major geological periods?
Coinage of the term environment: a word without authority and Carlyle's displacement of the mechanical metaphor Translating the word Umgebung in a work by Goethe, Carlyle coined the term environment in the South of Scotland in 1828. Goethe's usage involves reference ... R Jessop - St. Martin...
Geomorphic cycle, also called geographic cycle, or cycle of erosion, theory of the evolution of landforms. In this theory, first set forth by William M. Davis
The “La plume sans fin” was patented by Nicholas Bion in 1689. This fountain pen invention was later coined as the oldest pen that is still in circulation today. Its barrel was made of brass, featuring a quill nib and a screw cap. ...
Draco was responsible for the first written constitution of Athens, codifying laws that, until then, had only been transmitted orally. Draco's precepts were so harsh and biased towards wealthy landowners that the word "draconian" was later coined to describe them. Nevertheless, Draco was to be...
Where did the traditional art of calligraphy originate? Who invented musical notation? Who invented the first violin? Who coined the term cultural studies? Who invented the photogram? Who created the idea of unilineal cultural evolution in anthropology? Who invented Chinese calligraphy? Who invented ...
Gibson coined the term "cyberspace" in his short story "Burning Chrome" (1982) and later popularized the concept in his debut novel, Neuromancer (1984). In envisaging cyberspace, Gibson created an iconography for the information age before the ubiquity of the Internet in the 1990s.[19] He ...
Then, 100 years later Czech writer Karel Capek coined the term robot, in his 1921 play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's Universal Robots." The plot was simple and terrifying; the man makes a robot then robot kills a man. In 1927, Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" was released. The Maschinen...