Coined by economic philosopher Jean-Baptiste Say, the word comes from French, where it means "undertaker"—i.e. one who undertakes a new venture.1 Who Coined It? Economists have never had a consistent definition of "entrepreneur" or "entrepreneurship." Though the concept of an entrepreneur has...
I share Olshansky’s criticism of longevity escape velocity with the man who coined the term. “Jay has been saying this sort of thing for a quarter of a century and it’s just beyond embarrassing,” replies Aubrey de Grey over email. “He hides behind failing to define what he means ...
Referring to owners of large businesses as tycoons became popular during theIndustrial Revolutionwhen small-scale manufacturing gave way to mechanized manufacturing on an industrial scale. Tycoons were both popularized and demonized during the Gilded Age, a term coined by Mark Twain to describe the per...
Gibson coined the term "cyberspace" in his short story "Burning Chrome" (1982) and later popularized the concept in his debut novel, Neuromancer (1984). In envisaging cyberspace, Gibson created an iconography for the information age before the ubiquity of the Internet in the 1990s.[19] He ...
The trial was widely followed in the media and was later the subject of several books, including Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, in which Arendt coined the phrase "the banality of evil" to describe Eichmann. Birthplace: Germany, Solingen Dig Deeper Satellite Images Of The Places Where ...
(Roman, who coined the group’s name, drowned in his car during a freak flood in Chicago in 1992; it was McKay who had to identify his body at the morgue.) The original idea for UCB, before it became a multicity institution, was to create scripted pranks and street theater. McKay ...
In comparative studies of those leaders that have finished well what are the insights that can be learned. To begin, listen to the writer of Hebrews 13:7-8 NLT; “Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow ...
On the way to the conclusion, I provide imaginary and real-life examples and analogies. In the end, you should be better at identifying product-market fit in your own startup or in the ones you have invested in. In 2007, the most influential concept in entrepreneurship was coined. Marc ...
The moniker “direct response” was coined to distinguish it from indirect marketing channels like like newspapers, radio, and television, where the vast majority of marketing budgets were spent. As you’ve probably guessed, however, the internet completely flipped this on its head. ...
Of Dartmouth College, considered the dis- coverer of microRNAs (lin-4 described in 1993 Cell article; the term microRNA was coined in 2001). Rudi Balling. German Research Center for Biotechnology in Braunschweig, pioneer of large-scale ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-mutagenesis as a tool for functional...