He developed the mathematical models behind the explosive lenses used in the implosion-type nuclear weapon, and coined the term "kiloton" (of TNT), as a measure of the explosive force generated. After the war, he served on the General Advisory Committee of the United States Atomic Energy ...
“ I’ve coined the term fable morality for the popular attitude that luck – the avoidance of tragedy in our lives is a sign of God’s grace. Linda+ asked: where are the blessings and the grace of God for your neighbor who has lost everything? You get grace and blessings, and they...
“….and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith.”What Is It?IMPUTATION The act of reckoning a legal debit or credit to an account. The term was used...
Of course, Tomlinson admitted that folks at ARPANET weren’t calling his program “email” yet. That term wouldn’t be coined for several years. Get more of his story on the invention of email in the video below. Tomlinson was inducted into theInternet Hall of Famein 2012 and passed away...
Exactly. Ebert does not mention the Dumbest Possible Action trope because the term had yet to be coined, but the film is pure fantasy. Finally, the six negative comments: Woody Allen‘s “Stardust Memories“ Schneider’s review of“Stardust Memories“. ...