It was, in fact, Wheeler who coined the term “pressure group.” When he teamed up with Russell in 1893, the temperance movement that had begun to manifest itself in the 1820s had hundreds of thousands of adherents but diffuse and ineffectual leadership. The most visible anti-alcohol ...
As a lucid dreamer, you may sometimes wonder where the term "lucid dream" originates. After all, it's likely not the immediate choice of words you'd pick if asked to name the experience yourself - many would probably opt for something along the lines of "conscious dream" or "dreams of...
Night after night Eugene Aserinsky had been working late. He’d dragged an ancient brain-wave machine, an Offner Dynograph, from the basement to the physiology lab on the second floor of Abbott Hall at the University of Chicago. He had tinkered with it long enough to think it m...
Who coined the term herstory? The Oxford English Dictionary creditsRobin Morganwith first using the term "herstory" in print in her 1970 anthology Sisterhood is Powerful. What are the 3 types of history? What Are The Different Types Of History?
He coined the terms hypertext and hypermedia in 1963 and published them in 1965. Nelson coined the terms transclusion, virtuality, and intertwingularity (in Literary Machines), and teledildonics. According to a 1997 Forbes profile, Nelson "sees himself as a literary romantic, like a Cyrano ...
Of John McCarthy, who coined the term artificial intelligence, she recalls his intensity, as when he thrust a petition against the Vietnam War at McCorduck and demanded she sign it. "McCarthy waited, giving off a silent, indisputable righteousness. I signed." ...
In the 1940s an advertising executive named Alex Osborn (He’s the guy who coined the term, ‘brainstorming’), recognized that this lack of adult imagination was a problem, so he came up with something he called, “creative problem solving.” The idea is that imagination can be cultivated...
The whole point of inventing the arbirtrary term of a googol was to highlight the difference between unimaginably large numbers and infinity. That is why Kasner coined the term in “Mathematics and the Imagination.”
rubbing objects together and charging them by friction. When one object attracted or repelled the other, he coined the term "electric" to describe the forces at work. He said these forces developed because the rubbing action removed a fluid, or "humour," from one of the objects, leaving an...
But with the addition of whirlwind drummer Mick Harris in 1985 – who claims to have coined the term “grindcore” – Napalm Death became a brutal, frantic combination of Repulsion, Siege, Discharge and Possessed. Motivated by speed, noise and unintelligible screaming about self-empowerment and ...