图42who统计信息指南的主页第六节统计主题从第五节whosis主页点击statisticsbytopics就进入whosis按主题提供的统计信息页面可深入到艾滋病传染病非传染病热带病疫苗可预防病动物传播病生殖卫生儿童与青少年健康与发育精神卫生含自杀与精神作用物质滥用烟草盲聋化学制品安全药物信息综合主题等等多方面信息 第四章世界卫生组织(...
WHO 全球高血压报告(英).pdf,Global report on hypertension The race against a silent killer Global report on hypertension The race against a silent killer Global report on hypertension: the race against a silent killer ISBN 978-92-4-008106-2 (electronic
PEARSON correlation (Statistics)The Globorisk and WHO cardiovascular risk prediction models are country-specific and region-specific, respectively. The goal of this study was to assess the agreement and correlation between the WHO and Globorisk 10-year cardiovascular disease risk prediction models. The...
The World Health Organization has a mandate to compile and disseminate statistics on mortality, and we have been tracking the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of 20201. Reported statistics on COVID-19 mortality are problematic for many countries owing to variations in testi...
Key facts. 13 September 2019 [website](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hypertension, accessed 31March 2021).(3) Prevention of cardiovascular disease: guidelines for assessment andmanagement of total cardiovascular risk. Geneva: World Health Organization;2007.(4) Hultcrantz M, ...
摘要: WHO奖学金项目是我国通过国际合作进行高层次卫生人力资源开发的重要形式之一.本文在对1995年至2002年我国派出的WHO留学生综合情况调查数据统计和分析的基础上,阐述了影响其工作业绩的若干因素,提出了提高该项目实施效益和管理效能的建议.关键词:世界卫生组织 助学金和奖学金 留学生 社会效益 问卷调查 ...
According to WHO statistics, NCDs kill 41 million people each year, comprising 72 percent of all deaths globally. The low- and lower-middle-income countries currently bear the brunt of premature deaths from NCDs, which includes almost half of the 15 million people who die globally every year ...
who is a professor of medicine and director of the Center for Population Health Informatics at I2at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. "This work highlights the need for increased monitoring of individuals who experience incidents of violence for cardiovascular disease risk and ...
Cardiovascular disease 61 (14.7%) 157 (9.2%) 146 (16.2%) Hypertension 101 (24.3%) 333 (19.5%) 313 (34.7%) Diabetes type 1 or 2 23 (5.5%) 84 (4.9%) 90 (10.0%) Lung disease 59 (14.2%) 118 (6.9%) 81 (9.0%) Joint pain, infection, or inflammation 87 (21.0%) 248 (14.5%) ...
it is possible to provide some overview of how the trends presented in this report relate to data from other organizations and initiatives.The United Nations Statistics Division maintains an international repository of disability statistics,which contains disability data from official statistics compiled ...