the inequitable burden of differential treatment of the MSM plasma program; however, it does not address the incongruence between community understandings of individual risk of HIV transmission during a sexual encounter, sexual health practices, and the rules defining who can and cannot donate. As...
Donate. Plain and simple. I can deal with everything else but the lack of funds. Without funding we can do nothing and things are going so well and we are just beginning to see the fruits of our labours so to speak. Don’t play into the old “out of sight, out of mind” trap s...
has received one pint of blood from 52 people while a further 168 donors have given pools of platelets needed to keep this young man alive and well.Now Richard is in desperate need to find a suitable bone marrow match.So far, a worldwide search of more than 11 million potential bone mar...
However, changing policies does not in itself necessarily guarantee that gbMSM will donate or that staff in donor clinics are ready to support them to do so. In anticipation of a move to behaviour-based donation screening for gbMSM in Canada, we aim to assess the acceptability of and ...