This website is open source, therefore anyone in the community can submit edits through pull requests. If your agency isn't on this list, but should be, please add it: Navigate to the appropriate organization list: _data/governments.yml , for government organizations _data/civic_hackers.ym...
And when the election was held in September 2017, her party took home 37% of the vote – well up on the 25% it had received the election before, but still less than National’s 44%. As neither major party had the 50% of votes needed to lead the country, both had to pair wi...
Untold billions in war debt and reparations? For one point of view: Our republic is far older than was Weimar; we are not a parliamentary system; the dates of our elections are, for better or worse, fixed; our courts wield greater power; the media environment and superconducting modes of...
He has proven he can do that. The question is whether he can hold on to enough to be able to give it away in the end as he hopes. Here is to hoping he can. Our friends at Trading Technologies did some catch up accounting work yesterday and gave to the MarketsWiki Education GoFu...
I couldn’t agree more. “Inexplicably” used tongue in cheek. And, I wholeheartedly agree with your too big to exist, and public policy arguments. carol October 12, 2009 at 1:25 pm ¨Talbott: “We need big companies, and they can be managed, and they are being managed …”¨ ...