nada, zilch. They understand this, and appreciate it. They’ve come to rely on our consistent congruency when it comes to keeping their agenda #1. And their agenda is a magnificently abundant retirement. We make use of what i’ve
Send a notice to the participant via certified mail Check employer and related plan records Send an inquiry to the designated beneficiary of the missing participant Use free internet search tools, such as public record databases If unsuccessful, you can try additional ways, which may invo...
Usingthis simple calculator, Sue determines that if she can save at least $10,000 a year on top of her current savings, she could achieve $500,000+ in total savings with a modest rate of return at 5% and 2.5% inflation rate. Once her mortgage is paid off in 12 years she’ll be a...
For charter airline pilots, the assignment can be even more exotic. Charter pilots never have the same flying schedule. A customer may require a flight to Asia, then another customer may require the same plane to fly a European route. Being a cargo pilot can also be an exciting opportunity ...
Who would have thought that a kid’s prize toy from Chucky Cheese could have sparked a fun project to build? As of the writing of this post, I still have several in stock so that you can purchase a puzzle cube here. Once you have your cube and give up trying to solve it, I made...
There are hidden fees in your 401k plan - and these fees can have a significant impact on your long-term results. Find out how to reduce them.
Imprisonment is another ground for divorce, in which the spouse must have been in prison for three or more years in a row and the imprisonment must have occurred after the marriage began. The plaintiff can use this ground while the spouse is in prison or up to five years after they have...
understand being too risk-averse can sink wealth building Rebalance their portfolio based on goals (follow investing objectives) Use afinancial advisor, planner, or coachif necessary (someone they trust, fee-only) Is Hiring A Coach Worth The Money? (And Do I Need One?) ...
For example, grades in elementary school can proxy for general cognitive ability, with a correlation coefficient around 0.70 (Jensen, 1998). Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT I) scores correlate greater than 0.80 with measures of general cognitive ability, with most of the association apparently driven...
It is recommended that married couples consult with a tax professional or use tax software to assess the best filing status and determine the most advantageous approach for their specific circumstances. They can provide personalized advice and help navigate the complexities of the tax code to optimize...