- The doctors say you can go home this afternoon.- Well, that's your call, not theirs.one's call:某人的决定例:- When should we set off?我们什么时候动身?- It's your call. Not mine.由你来决定,而不是我。Simone和Karl说,医生认为他身体康复得差不多,可以回家了。Karl带点央求和试探的语...
- Our job isn't to make sure he can bounce his grandkids on his lap, our job is to get him healthy enough to go back to Death Row. 可我们的任务又不是确保他子孙绕膝,我们只要让他健康地去奔赴刑场就可以了 - Our job is to diagnose him. 我们的任务是诊断出他的病因 8. She figured w...
this past weekend this phenomenon can o this phrase has diffe this pitiful old pers this plant this pr this print with this procedure includ this procedure on cla this program includes this provides additio this quartet represen this rapid turnover c this research conside this rose like a poem...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Why Frasier Thinks He Can Talk to the Dead; ... from His Murdered Sister to a Man Who Was Born before Jesus" - Daily Mail (London), July 30, 2009Daily Mail (London)
Youknow,Idontneedtohearit. 在我跟你说我要逃走的时候 Youdidntthreatenmeorthepeople 你没有威胁我和我爱的人 IlovebeforewhenItoldyouIwasgonnagetaway. 那是因为我知道你逃不走 ThatscauseIknewyoucouldnt. 是什么变了 Whatchanged? 你们两个一起 Youtwotogether? 能完成任何事情 Youcandoanything. 行尸走肉...
A fool always rushes to the fore. 傻瓜总爱强出头。 A fool and his money are soon parted. 笨蛋难聚财。 A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity. 蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。 A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. 一愚发问,七智结舌。 A fool...
我情愿这是幻觉也不愿这是告别 I'd rather it was an illusion than a goodbye 5、太痛的伤是忘不掉的 You can't forget a wound that hurts too much 6、枯木犹有逢春日人且再无相逢时 There is a spring day for dead wood, and there is no time to meet again 7、什么你都不愿意放弃 唯独我...
I recognized him as the man who lived in a flat on the top floor of the building. We had spoken once or twice on the stairs.6 - “可以和您说句话吗?”他问道。“我可以进去呆一会儿吗?”他的声音有点儿发颤。 6 - ’Can I speak to you?’he asked. ’May I come in for a ...
and when you try to find dead meaning can be fou nd only pain and hatred do not know w 与死亡的双方,在陪审员和痛苦,但没人一起可能acc ept亲密的伙伴的死亡,或许,但那他们将考虑themselve s保险柜,特别是为您不kn ow什么战争是孩子,并且,当您设法发现时死的意思可以是fou仅nd痛苦,并且仇恨不知道...
deadones中英文剧本okafor存活 索恩,我需要和你私下谈谈。Thorne,Ineedtospeakwithyouprivately.-我们去兜兜风-好的,长官。Let'stakearide.Yes,sir.他把一切都告诉我了,给了我完整的简报。Hetoldmeeverything,gavemethefullbriefing.梯队简报?TheEchelonBriefing?简迪斯:CRM将把世界带回来。Jadis:TheCRMwillbringthewor...