God help those who stand in our way.与我们做对的人就自求多福吧!英语口语,英文字幕,每天一遍#凡人修仙爽翻天 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 2567 0 02:01 App 听说80%的人都听不懂这段英文,你不看字幕能听懂多少呢? 3954 0 01:02 App 【浴血黑帮】“他竟然不在乎” 24.0万 ...
“自求多福吧.”#浴血黑帮 ”god help those who stand in our way” ”, 视频播放量 76390、弹幕量 17、点赞数 2209、投硬币枚数 379、收藏人数 1803、转发人数 576, 视频作者 修罗剪辑, 作者简介 ,相关视频:卡在点上的男人(ง •̀_•́)ง,“god help tho
god help those who st and in our way的意思是上帝帮助那些阻碍我们前进的人。God,西方认为是宇宙万物的创造者和主宰者。God相关词组:with God:与主同在,升天,逝世,仙逝。by God:凭上帝作证,老天在上,确确实实。God defend:断无此事。snake god phr:巫毒祟拜,还尸魂。house of god...
My back was up against the wall on this.have one's back to/against the wall:走投无路,没有退路剑桥词典英语释义:to have very serious problems that limit the ways in which you can act:例句:He owes money to everyone - he really has his back to the wall now.注:如字面意思,背已经靠着...
god help those who stand in our way的读法如下:一、具体音标:[ɡɒd] [help] [ðəʊz] [huː] [stænd] [ɪn] [ˈaʊə(r) , ɑː(r)] [weɪ]二、中文翻译:“那些与我们作对的人,自求多福吧!”三、出处...
Who can stand before a holy God? Literary artistry and theological imagination in the Ark NarrativeTko moe stati pred svetoga Boga? Literarno umijee i teoloka imaginacija u pripovijesti o koveguNARRATIVE theologyBIBLICAL criticismHISTORICAL criticism (Literature)...
翻译如下:与我们作对的人,自求多福吧 这句话是来自于《混血黑帮》中的一句台词。此部电影讲述了战后伯明翰地区传奇黑帮家族Peaky Blinders的故事。时间要追溯到1919年,家族成员有一大嗜好,就是将剃刀刀片缝进他们帽子的帽檐之间,这也是“剃刀党”的名称由来。希里安·墨菲将饰演一名残酷的黑帮份子Thomas...
These artists not only have the abilty to spit, but they can vocally sing as well. They are a double threat that are dared to be matched. This is The Greatest Singers/Rappers Of All Time Photo: uploaded by First L 1 Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill, a multi-talented artist and a trailblazer...
11:39 第一反应是…《最后的晚餐》,确实挺艺术的。《怪诞》 25:22 这个表情是认真的吗?私立百花王学园,比拼的不是成绩,而是谋略和读心术《狂赌之渊》 37:48 谢尔比家族的发家史。最经典的还是这句“God help those who stand in our way” 《浴血黑帮》 41:22 1...