In many countries, such as Japan and Canada, the wait list for a corneal transplant can be several years.35,36 Public records in Argentina show that in February 2020 over 30% of the patients on the wait list for a corneal transplant had been waiting more than 3 years, with over 100 ...
But for me it’s the start of a complex discussion. ‘Hong Kong.’ ‘You don’t look like it. Where are you really from?’ ‘Well, I’m half English and half Chinese. I was born in Hong Kong, but I went to secondary school in the UK. I’m currently bas...
If you hear of major corporations listed as owners of the major television networks with Gentile sounding names such as “General Electric” or “Westinghouse,” it is part of Jewry’s ploy to place a blindfold over the eyes of the Goyim. An open and shut case can be made that the ...
Collier, RogerCanadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)Collier R. Who should hold the keys to your DNA? CMAJ. 2012 Apr 3;184(6):638-40.
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Mikey, Al, Mom, Nana - Can You Teach My Alligator Manners? Dance-A-Lot Robot, Kaitlin, Hailey, Sean, Danny L.O., Frred, Bluez, Ink, Roc and Raoul, La, Dee and Da, Akito, Joey, Dwight, Ravi, The Rancher, Johnny and Franklin - Happy Monster Band (UK Dub) Suki, Axel, Hazel...
In 1926, the Swiss company Rolex merged with A.G. Buhrle & Sons SA to be the company we know today. In the 1930s, Rolex created the Prefectural Oyster replica Watches, which can withstand pressure up to 150 meters on the ground or underwater. The Rolex replica watch is considered one...
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A case of Rickettsia heilongjiangensis infection in Japan was identified in a 35-year-old man who had rash, fever, and eschars. Serum contained R. heilongjiangensis antibodies, and eschars contained R. heilongjiangensis DNA. R. heilongjiangensis was also isolated from ticks in the suspected geo...