I’m just bending the second string – it’s a certain thing you can do within that mechanism that you can’t do with an ordinary guitar.” But as to talking to guitar magazines about this stuff, Pagey would on the whole rather be at the dentist’s having a root canal.Keith Richards...
Additional vinyl variants for this release can be found at: Rough Trade - [idkwntht] LP (limited edition of 300 on cloudy clear and black splatter vinyl)Vinyl Me, Please - [memory] LP (limited edition of 500 on green and bone moon phase vinyl)Urban Outfitters - [stoned] LP (limite...
Ah. First, find the lawn … and what a lot of trees there are on said lawn … And what on earth does an Aesculus x hybrida look like … it must be fairly big now, 114 years old … scrabbling around beneath the low-lying branches to find the tree labels … no … no … no … ...
“I can still be found right here on this record spinning round, with the sound,” he states, and his words are no less true today than they were in 1973.Ringo rose to #2 on the Billboard album chart, his highest-ever placement there. It remains a landmark not only for the partici...
died on December 22, 2002. By the time I found out it was late the next day. Every 24thof December since then, I have declared Clashmas Eve and dedicated to the memory of Strummer and the majesty of The Clash. This non-denominational holiday can – and should – be celebrated by all...
It was the first album not to involve Tommy in any way. Its sound is far more produced than any of the band’s other releases, not only featuring layered guitars and a much bigger drum sound, but also saxophone, piano, and even orchestral strings on some numbers. In addition to “Rock...
it enables the mother and daughter to break the order of time—the fixed past, the dynamic present, the open future. Their ghosts can now visit the present for the purpose of exacting revenge against any samurai who enters the bamboo grove. The mother and daughter lure them to their home,...
“As it happened, Chico Hamilton was playing drums on the first record I bought,” he said. “I can’t really explain how the music made me feel. It was just something with the sound of the brushes. But I just fell in love with it and I think I threw away my paper saxophone the...
“We don’t need the arrogance of the billionaire class to feel like they can just come in and solve everything. Even without him involved, I just find that it has become such a toxic environment,” he said. “For my mental health, I need to tune out. I don’t feel good being th...
When it comes to impressive resumes, they don’t come more stellar than Myron Rolle’s. In high school he maintained a 4.0 GPA, accumulated 21 credits of AP classes, played the saxophone in the school band, and starred in the lead role of his school’s production ofFiddler on the Roof...