【蔡政府防疫破功 吕謦炜:Who can help Taiwan?】近日台湾新冠肺炎本土疫情大爆发,全台陷入三级警戒,再加上近日缺水、缺电危机频传,民怨四起。前国民党青年团总团长、现任高雄市前镇区青工会会长吕謦炜批评,去年民进党大外宣“Taiwan can help”,现在却证明民进党让台湾陷入绝境,他并在脸书上将去年网红阿滴募资登在...
Taiwan can help的口号尽管喊得震天价响,但当部分外交专业与医护良心被政治所窄化,折损的是台湾加入世卫组织的国际形象与说服力。 “你中国人我台湾人”的台独观点,鼓吹社会对特定族群的歧视与差别对待,狭隘的格局出自于一位曾驻美国,深谙自由平等的外事官之口,廉价的歉意,其实遮掩不了煽动仇恨的恶意。 肺炎肆虐,...
游锡堃致词表示,过去1年来台湾岛内上下一心,团结抗疫,同时也与国际友邦携手合作,传达"Taiwan Can Help"的"善意",并呼吁印太区域各国和地区在平等互惠交流下打造紧密坚实的同盟关系。温玉霞致词也指出,台湾记取2003年SARS的惨痛教训,将其成功运用在对付疫情,透过公部门、私部门及民众三方共同努力,台湾的防疫成...
aI really don't have anyone here in Taiwan who can help me in my situation.Can you borrow money to me?My young brother needs to make operation so he needs the money very fast.Can you help me?Don't worry,I'll return it for sure!!! 我真正地没有任何人这里在可能帮助我在我的情况的...
aI need your help!I really don't have anyone here in Taiwan who can help me in my situation.Can you borrow money to me?My young brother needs to make operation so he needs the money very fast.Can you help me?Don't worry,I'll return it for sure!!! 我需要您的幫助! 我真正地沒...
In contrast to such discouraging phenomenon, based on analysis of a nationally representative data set, preservice students in Taiwan are found to be academically more outstanding than their nonteaching peers. Underlying policy and sociocultural contexts of such a positive phenomenon of "those who can...
which the US described as "overreacted" for no reason. We noticed that the US tried hard to tone it down before Tsai Ing-wen's "transits" in the country. It seemed like they have anticipated China would "overreact". We can't help asking, who is overreacted on the Taiwan question?
t vogon sobre la canc t voices t wacky tabacky t wait for me t waiting all the tim t waiting for summer t waking up t wanna be mine t watch the serpent t watching a zombie t t watchman in the dar t way back in to love t we are cool like it t we are going to roc t we...
We noticed that the US tried hard to tone it down before Tsai Ing-wen's "transits" in the country. It seemed like they have anticipated China would "overreact". We can't help asking, who is overreacted on the Taiwan question? 过去几天,中国采取多项措施,重申在台湾问题上的立场。然而,...
每日英语:《Who to Taiwan?》 我说:僵尸先生,假设军校总医院里的妇科物资全部送去了人民路,女兵与护士长集体怀孕生不出儿子,怎么办?这样会影响不好,可能还会集体死后分娩,说出去不好听。 I said:Mr. Z...