Writing task:Write a letter of recommendation for the boy who got the job as an office assistant. (80 to 100 words.)Start with how you know the boy and how long. You will need to make this up. What strengths and good qualities does this boy have? Read "Letters of recommendation" ag...
amail this from to the person who will write a letter of recommendation for you 公民身份 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙语翻译 葡萄牙语翻译 意大利语翻译 荷兰语翻译 瑞典语翻译 希腊语翻译 51La ...
Offer to meet with your recommender to discuss your plans and goals. You can also send them a link to Accepted’sTen Tips for Writers of Letters of Recommendation. Most graduate schools use online systems for their LORs, in which the letter writer fills out a form and uploads or attaches a...
As his good friend, you will write a letter to him.David, who works at Unicom Inc, has been promoted to the Regional Manager for China. A.thank B.celebrate C.apologize D.congratulate()28. We can infer the following is taken from a letter of Excerpt from a passage The young lady who...
a我需要两位专家写推荐信。我仔细考虑,其中一位专家是福田教授,另外一位我想应该是您,因为您是我毕业答辩的审查员,同时我们还经常在一起开会。所以我想知道您是否愿意帮助我写这封推荐信。如果可以请给我回信,我会将资料寄给您。 I need two experts to write the letter of recommendation.I considered ...
解析①确定文章体裁和主旨: 应用文 (信件) ; recommendation, 即一 篇对员工李华的介绍。 ②构思文章结构: 第一段,总领全篇,描述你的主旨,例如:My employer Lihua is a good worker, and i want to give you a introduction about him. 第二段,介绍文章要点,他的工作经验和长处,例如,He has worked 5 ye...
no regrets of youth to achieve common glory. Here, I can not give you any authority to produce a letter of recommendation for finding a job for me, but also could not get a pile of pile of 我的知识和能力不会使您失望,将是值得的您的选择; 为兴奋辩解,我决定在您,青年时期没有达到共同的...
写作题(20分)Write a recommendation letter for Miss Helen Joyce who has been working in your company for 5 years.You may include the information below:her work experience and strengths her character and personality her reasons for leaving the present job, etc.收起题目我的回答:her参考答案 ...
题目Which of the following sentences are used for the opening of a recommendation letter?A.During the past three years, I have come to know Zhang Lin well and would like to recommend him as a candidate for your undergraduate program.B.It is my hope that her application will ...