Recent accomplishments: Led the efforts to preserve the Mandated Services Program, the largest source of state funding for non-public schools, which reimburses schools for a host of mandates performed at the behest of the state; was a major part of the coalition looking to double...
And last and worst, the post conciliar Catholic church promotes the Noachide Law mandated by the Sanhedrin for Gentile nations on the basis of the Vatican II Charter of Nostra Aetate. All of the above is solid New World Communist Order territory. All of it condemned by the Roman Catholic ...
MORE: California EDD can't freeze unemployment checks, must 'pay now' during eligibility investigations A settlement last month mandated that the EDD must now stop freezing benefits for people whose existing claims have eligibility questions and instead must continue sending checks while...
Kaplan is a sophisticated investor who spent 22 years at Goldman Sachs, rising to the rank of Vice Chairman. He clearly knew, for five solid years, that he was not providing the dates of his trades as required by the mandated financial disclosure form. On J...
Understand What a Mandated Reporter is Certain professionals (doctors, police, teachers, nurses, etc.) are required by law to report any suspicion of child neglect. Act responsibly around mandated reporters: be sober, don’t tell stories about how you were too stoned to cook your c...
“No ‘process of national reconciliation’ can begin when poor losers, whose preferred candidate loses an election, are glorified for disrupting a constitutionally mandated proceeding in Congress and doing so with impunity,” she added. “This court ca...
With no need for shoulder pads, shoe lifts, a hairpiece, or studio-mandated secrecy regarding his private life, Mature proved his worth to the film industry as a low risk, reliable, scandal-free leading man. Savvy investments in real estate and the booming television market allowed the actor...
The big solution to the Cartels’ influence along the border is to recognize that substance abuse is a medical issue, not primarily a legal one. Doing coke or heroin has real consequences for the abusers and those who live with them, but *adding* the problem of a legally-mandated black ma...
David Weinreb, magnet resource teacher at Elm City Montessori School, agreed that state-mandated testing can be harmful to students, especially those whose first language is not English. Coming out of the pandemic, Weinreb wrote that there is even more awareness of mental wellbeing and how...
The entity mandated to produce and supply economic and reliable electric power throughout Liberia continues to struggle as more and more Liberian crave consistent electricity. Not much has changed since the entity’s formation in 1973 when electricity was largely limit...