Notes:Friedrich August Von Hayekis not a proponent of communitarianism and is known as the father of neoliberalism. Alasdair MacIntyre, Michael Walzer and Michael Sandel are the proponent of communitarianism. How is utilitarianism used in nursing? With regard to the practice of nursing, Utilitarianism...
The neoliberalism propaganda scheme enabled the creation of a billionaire class. People don’t understand howmuchmoney a billion is. If, like most of us, you made a million dollars a year it would take you1,000 yearsfor that to add up to a billion. ...
“incentives,” the opposite of what they’d asked for. As the economic crisis of the 1970s gave birth to neoliberalism and the tax revolts, the Black welfare recipient became, asMelinda wrote, the focus of a vicious backlash that justified slashing away at the social safety net to protect...
To similarly mock Christianity today is toothless because even with the dangerous rise of fascistic Christian Nationalism, we must take stock of who the real gods of this world are. Adam Kotsko in Neoliberalism’s Demons: On the Political Theology of Late Capital writes that our contemporary ...
“And one other thing I’ll be doing very early in the administration is closing up the Department of Education.” President Donald Trump made a promise in a Sept. 13, 2023, campaign statement. Since then, he has frequently repeated his pledge to close the U.S. Department of Education.....
168Im Dazwischen 2artistic temporality to the retemporalization of daily life under the pres-sures of neoliberalism and digital technology. Whether artists are merelya support and symptom of these hallmarks of our age, or attempting toproduce meta-commentaries and alternatives to them, is, at the...
the moment when neoliberalism finally began to understand the value of multiculturalism.” Such an ideological paradigm quickly became an effective publicity tool for what’s now called “personal branding”—once “The Real World”debuted in 1992, everyday folks started creativel...
With such a basically misanthropic view of humans, why have we let this logic become so pervasive? It’s a complicated story and goes beyond the tech industry into the structures of thought and political power created during decades of neoliberalism. As Zuboff argues in her book, “[There has...
in common with its original, uses the story of Newton to criticise corporate capitalism, Glazer’s film plays down the political aspect of the film, concerning industrial farming and exploitation of the underclass by the political elites, pertaining to neoliberalism, to focus on the problems of id...
3. Individualism to Competitive Neoliberalism: The Artist in the Twenty-First Century Given the massive shifts in communications, travel, and the accelerated flows of capital characterizing life in the late-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in the Euro-American contexts and beyond, here, it...