keep getting messages from this number 6 times a day Caller: stc 0 Johnny 14 Dec 2013 Three tines called me this number in a late tine who are these idiots 0 reddy 18 Dec 2013 3 SMS to 00447786205094 - during a time, I was sleeping in my room! Nobody else was at home. So how ...
Katie was in the clear. The head teacher knew for a fact that it was somebody else who had been doing all the bad spells around school. But not everybody knew that she was innocent. In fact, as far as most people were concerned, Katie...
Last question: why does an Atheist like me know all this when “Christians” don’t? (*sigh*)— Because there ARE so many “Christians in name only” who don’t study what they “believe,” let alone with an open mind. It makes so many look like fools. While I agree that Trump ...
So, who is? A very readable and detailed exposition on the nature of scientific investigation as it relates to climate science has beenwritten by John Mashey and posted over atDeltoidand should be read as part of this post. It explains what/who is credible, and on what basis this judgement...
This story is about a little girl who is a witch, and it’s fair to say that it’s more sweet than spooky. Her name is Katie, and her school mates think she is rather odd, and don’t really believe that she can do magic. She...
Can anyone tell me why Martian Manhunter hasn't received his own solo or team film debut? Yes, J'onn J'onnz did make an appearance in the Snyder Cut ofJustice League,and he has made several small-screen appearances. However, this hero is afoundingmember of the Justice League of America...
Sobbing like a bereft child when I took this… Maybe some of you noticed it on the About page, but I’ve taken two+ months for me to get my head around it to write about it here. But we finally found a buyer and moved off the boat, and we’ve been back in the U.S. since ...
He was surely a fool for agreeing to it, plus interviews with so many media outlets while on the run from authorities wanting to question him about a murder. His constant bragging about this or that 17-year-old girlfriend or the voluminous number of minor girls he has everyday in Belize...
Before we discuss this, let me draw an analogy. If you knew your car was unsafe to drive would you drive it? Would you trust your kids to be driven in it? Would you put your pet dog in it? “You don’t call someone who advocates for safe automobiles anti-car. Similarly it’s ri...
A song was made about “The girl who trod on a loaf to keep her shoes from being soiled,” and this song was sung everywhere. The story of her sin was also told to the little children, and they called her “wicked Inge,” and said she was so naughty that she ought to be punished...